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Bear Creek Cogeneration Plant


威尼斯电玩城手游的熊溪热电联产厂是电力创新如何造福社区的一个很好的例子, while generating value for shareholders. 该工厂为惠好公司的大草原纸浆和锯木厂以及阿尔伯塔竞争激烈的电力市场提供高达100兆瓦的电力.

Bear Creek从木材废料中进口生物质衍生蒸汽,并将其与天然气衍生蒸汽相结合,为涡轮机提供动力. The turbine generates energy for the mill, 为阿尔伯塔省的电力池提供电力,并减少了运往垃圾填埋场的木材废料. It’s located in the community of Grande Prairie, Alberta.



Generates up to 100 megawatts of electricity

Produces 75 tonnes per hour of steam



Documents and maps

威尼斯电玩城手游公司的熊溪热电厂是电力创新如何造福社区的一个很好的例子, while generating value for shareholders.  熊溪是威尼斯电玩城手游在阿尔伯塔省的发电厂网络的一部分. Here’s where you can find us.

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Ways to reach us

If you have any questions about the Project, please reach out to us via the contact information below. 

Bear Creek Cogeneration Plant (TC Energy)

Bear Creek Cogeneration Plant 
450 - 1 St. SW
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 5H1

Jamie Hodel, Site Manager

Emergency Response
威尼斯电玩城手游对人民、管道和设施安全的承诺是坚定不移的,请访问威尼斯电玩城手游的 Contact page for our complete list of emergency numbers.
Media Relations
TC Energy welcomes enquiries from media. Please direct questions to:
1-800-608-7859 Toll-free (North America)
Investor Relations
1-800-361-6522 Toll-free (North America)